It has been awhile since I updated this blog and I dont even make a new year update. So here I am, doing it right now. I think it is not too late, right. Gosh, I should stop proscrastinate. Well, how was your new year? I hope it was beyond incredible. Mine was I dont know. Pretty good.
my new year resolution; oh well I dont think I have any(or maybe I do?). My resolution is to have resolution and I did it. Ha-ha, you have two seconds to stop laughing at my unoriginal joke. To me, last year was not that good. I think, I hate 2013. Yep, and there's a reason why, basically. Well, I just hope for this year be better than the last.
I remember when I was twelve and I really wanted to be fifteen. Like so bad. But turns out, my fifteen years old did not came out with what I wished for. Instead, I have PMR. yeah, that big exam for middle school(?) But hey, I'm glad that my result was not that bad. Alhamdulillah.
The whole point I'm doing this post is just to wish a very happy new year(eventhough it is late wtv) For those who came into my life on the not-so-wonderful 2013. Thank you so much. I can't make people to stay with me. But I hope you want to. Ha-ha. Eventhough 2013 does not came out as I wished for but hey, I still appreaciate each of you guys.
For my friends, thanks for being a wonderful friend.
I can't thank you guys enough. And thanks to you who literally spent your time on reading this pointless update. ;; thanks thanks thanks. I hope you will enjoy this seemingly great year. And good luck on the new chapter of your life. Love you lots like jelly tots.
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