January 1, 2012

Five Day Challenge - Settle it !

Hey fellas, Esya nak habis kan Five Day Challenge. Sebab sekolah dah nak tiba. So, Lets roll! 

Day 1 - One thing that you want right now 

Day 2 - Two people you want to be right now.

Day 3 - Three of your favourite songs ever.

- Waiting Outside the Lines by Greyson Chance. 
- Hold On til' the Night by Greyson Chance.
- These Broken Hands of Mine by Joe Brooks.

Day 4 - Four of your favourite memories.

- When I got something that I want. 
- When someone proud of me. 
- When I got my UPSR result 
- When I sing Greyson Chance's song like crazy monkey. 

Day 5 - Five you would like to do before you die.

- Meet with Greyson Chance ♥ 
- Pray 
- Hug my mom and dad. 
- Kill somenone name QE #Short name of the idiot . 
- A trip to Mekkah. 

Thats all. Byebye 

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